Thursday, July 8, 2010

Patchwork Bird

Finally!!  I have new artwork to show!  Some of you may recognize this one as the bird with purple glitter spots.  Well those are long gone, and now we are sporting a nice patchwork look.  Which I totally love!

I'm so thrilled to have this one done, as it has been sitting in my studio for several months waiting to be finished.  The tail feathers are a tad hidden within the background but overall I'm pretty happy with it. I may or may not add a lite outline to the bird to make him stand out more.  Not sure yet, but I am considering it.  What do you think?

In other news, I'm a little bit pleased with myself right now, because I have been semi keeping to my schedule I set for myself.  I basically got rid of the time slots and just make a list every day of the things I want to get done. 

It works much much better as so many things pop up all day long for me, it's hard to assign specific slots of time to do things.  Though I am keeping myself limited on the amount of time I spend checking emails, social media and blogs. 

Believe it or not, yesterday I managed to cross everything off!  Including getting through a lot of blogs.  I still have a few more to catch up on which I will be doing right after this post, but I'm really, really close to being caught up now, and that is a HUGE relief. 

And, I'm still planning my blog giveaway for Monday, so be sure to stop by and check out the goods.  There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for winners.  I'm pretty excited about it. It's the first one I've done.  

Also, I have a question for those who use Flickr.  Is anyone else having trouble logging in?  I'd say about 75% of the time the Flickr page refuses to load.  This has been going on for months, and needless to say I have just about given up on the site.  Is it just me or does this happen to anyone else?  

I think that's about it for now.  I'm just working my way through blogs and to do lists today.  I even managed to put the computer down, and do some gardening.  Finally!  I now have very pretty colorful flowers all over my deck!

Ta Ta!


Sung-Hee (Regina) Hong said...

Fabulous, Michele !

erin carver said...

Wow the colours are amazing Michele! Such a sweet sweet bird, guaranteed to brighten up anyones day! Glad you had some garden time that sounds lovely :)

Donna Heart said...

Hi Michele! Thanks for stopping by my 'kitchen table'! I think the birdie looks beautiful as is - a friend of mine who is also an artist is always telling me - "don't outline it don't outline it" - because I'm always wanting to outline everything in black!!! Either way I think it will work :)Have a lovely weekend, x donna

Rebecca Anthony said...

Good for you, don't you feel so happy when things become organized and time becomes available to do what you really want to do. Your new piece of art is stunning!!

Sunny Lee said...

I enjoyed your paintings. I do many series of birds and flowers also. I'll visit often~ :)

Darlene Pringle said...

I've enjoyed your post. I understand it way too much. I was in classes with you in Kellys.. You seem like you are doing well.
I absolutely LOVE your BIRD.. so beautiful and whimsical as well.
hugs, Darlene

jacqueline said...

This patchwork bird is sooo gorgeous!! Thanks so much for sharing your process with us! As for your flickr question, i didn't have any problem logging in tho. Have a lovely mery happy weekend and love to you!